Getac Technology Corporation was established by MiTAC Inc. and GE Aerospace in 1989 through joint venture, providing defense electronic equipment for military use. In 2002, the Company was publicly listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. The scope of operation encompasses electronic products to mechanical solutions. The Company is committed to developing differentiated innovative technologies to offer value-added solutions that help customers create value.

Getac headquarters is based in Taiwan, serving as the global hub undertaking R&D, sales, legal affairs, finance and information management activities. The Company’s primary production plants are located in Changshu and Kunshan of Jiangsu Province in China, and, in Hanoi, Vietnam. Getac’s products are sold worldwide to countries such as the United States, Japan, China, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Russia, and India.

Over the years of our business development, Getac continued to grow and gain market share to become one of the leading brand of rugged computing brand in the globe. In 2016, Getac was recognized as top 35 most valuable brand in Taiwan by “2016 Taiwan Top Global Brand Valuation League Table survey” conducted by Interbrand, a global branding consultancy. In both 2017 and 2018, Getac received the Taiwan Golden Pin Design Mark(s) on outstanding product designs.

Innovation is an integral part of Getac culture. By embracing new ideas, we are discovering the technologies that will drive our industry forward into this millennium.

At Getac, our commitment is to our customers. We listen closely to understand their needs to help them achieve and exceed their goals and expectations.

We dedicate ourselves to adding value to our customers’ businesses and endeavors through the quality of products and services Getac provides.

Professional talents are a firm’s essential asset and the key factor for corporate development. During the past few years, the Getac brand has seen a steady development, and Getac’s overseas businesses have increased as sales grow. The company’s organizational structure and talent development strategies have also become more internationalized, and more diverse, so as to better line up with international standards. Getac, named as one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia in 2018, will continue to create a harmonious, happy, proactive, innovative and safe workplace and good corporate culture, where employees’ identification with Getac is strengthened so that they can go to work feeling happy. By marketing ourselves as a happy enterprise and a safe workplace, we hope to attract more outstanding talents to join our ranks.

Getac recruits, employs and cultivates talents according to the principles of fairness and equality because we depend on the capabilities of our employees. The recruitment procedure is based on local regulatory standards, choosing suitable talents irrespective of their race, religious beliefs, nationality, political tendency, age and marital status. Getac is committed to cultivating potential talents and simultaneously providing a diverse array of learning and development opportunities that equip employees with the abilities to continuously learn and grow in a fully supportive environment and create infinite possibilities with their outstanding team members!

The key to business growth is having a pool of outstanding experts. Getac’s Employee Code of Conduct requires employees to constantly remind themselves to “Be the Best, Be Sincere and Honest, Take Responsibility, and Create Value.” We have adopted a 5C1L model (Creativity, Critical Thinking,

Complex Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration, and Leadership) as the basis for our employee development and talent cultivation efforts, so as to facilitate the company’s sustainable development in a rapidly changing industrial environment.

Providing advanced technology is a commitment we make to create a better life for humans. Getac fulfills its duties as a corporate citizen while devoting dedication to the spirit of “giving back what is taken from society”. Every year, the Getac Charity Trust Fund will support disadvantaged groups and encourage Getac employees to do good deeds. In addition to supporting social welfare institutions and disadvantaged groups, Getac also participates in other forms of social charity activities, show care for community development and social work, support volunteer services and environmental protection and recycling initiatives as a way of giving back to society!

神基科技成立於 1989 年,由聯華神通關係企業神通電腦(MiTAC Inc.)與美國奇異航太部門(GE Aerospace)共同合資成立,專門提供國防電子相關設備,2002 年在台灣證券交易市場掛牌上市。營運範疇橫跨電子產業與機構產業,致力於差異化技術的創新研發,以發展高附加價值的解決方案為客戶創造價值。

神基科技全球運籌總部總部設置於台灣,為全球研發、業務、法務、財會,以及資訊管理中心,主要生產基地集中在中國江蘇省常熟市、昆山市、以及越南河內地區。旗下Getac自有品牌行銷全球,主要銷售據點遍布全球主要國家,包括美國、日本、中國、英國、德國、義大利、俄羅斯、印度等。神基科技推出之自有品牌 Getac,市佔率逐年提升,近年來已經發展成為全球攜帶式全強固型電腦品牌領導商之一。2016年全球權威品牌價值調查機構 Interbrand 進行之 「台灣國際品牌價值調查」,肯定Getac為台灣最有價值品牌前 35 強。並且2017、2018連續兩年Getac皆獲頒台灣金點設計標章殊榮肯定。


Innovation 創新

Commitment 承諾

Value 價值

人才是企業重要的資產,也是企業成長的關鍵因素。近年來,神基Getac品牌事業穩定發展,海外分據點隨著業績成長而增加,公司的組織架構與人才發展策略也朝向更 國際化、更集團化,更多元化的方向發展與國際接軌。神基將持續努力打造和諧、歡樂、積極、創新、安全的職場環境與企業文化,提升員工對神基的認同感,獲得在神基工作的幸福感,以幸福企業安心職場的訴求,吸引更多優秀的人才加入神基,並且在2018年榮膺亞洲最佳企業雇主獎。

神基科技的人才招募、任用與發展,採公平公正之作業模式,一視同仁, 以員工的能力為依歸。招募程序遵照各地法規標準,徵選適合人才,不因種族、宗教、國籍、 政治傾向、年齡、婚姻狀況而有所差異。神基科技致力於培育各種潛力人才,針對同仁的職務性質與需求,安排多元的培育課程,強化法規、人權、反貪腐、職安等相關教育宣導,同時提供多元化的學習以及發展計畫,讓員工能在充份支持的工作環境中持續學習與成長, 並與優秀團隊伙伴,一起創造無限可能!

企業成長的關鍵因素就是擁有優秀的人才。神基的員工守則就是要求全 體員工能夠時刻惕勵要求自我「追求第一、誠實正直, 積極擔當,創造 價值」,我們以5C1L為人才發展藍圖與訓練培育的軸心,培養員工在展 現創新(Creativity)、反思能力(Critical Thinking)、解決問題的能力 (Complex Problem Solving)、溝通能力(Communication),團隊合作 (Collaboration)、以及領導力(Leadership),以因應科技產業快速變遷 的產業特性,引領公司持續成長。



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